Saturday, November 26, 2016

Day 19: Ganina Yama, finally

Despite only getting three hours of sleep, I headed to my appointment with the woman I met to go to Ganina Yama.  Her daughter came along who is studying English in university.

It was hectic getting to this place, but we made it.  We saw the sights and I even, as a special guest of America (seriously, Americans need to get out more and travel, then I wouldn't be such a luxury) got to not only climb up the otherwise closed off bell tower, but to ring the monestary's bell.  It was awesome.  And loud.  And the Russian bell man wouldn't let me cover my ears.

On a side note, I understand I'm in Russia and I should know Russian.  However, isn't the point of a major museum to inform and educate people about the contents of the museum?  You'd think they'd want to educate people besides themselves.  Russian people know the Romanov history and it would be nice to extend the knowledge to other people.  Right??  Especially this history, this is a history I know the world is interested in, we even made a Disney movie about it.  That being said, not a word of English or any other language for that matter besides Russian was in the museum.  Fine fine fine, I get it Russia, you hate English, you hate everything but Russian.  Foreigners, stay away.  Got it.  I just thought this museum might be an exception....wrong.

Afterwards, the mom starts running around like crazy running up to strangers and asking them a question.  The daughter looks embarrassed and I ask her what's going on.  Apparently the mom was over the whole bus thing and wanted to hitch a ride back to town.  I thought, please, that's never going to work.  But alas, we hitched a ride with a nice couple in a fancy fancy car.  Russian people are so kind.

After we got back to the city I said goodbye to the mother and her daughter who both thanked me so much for the day.  Thank me for the day?  I didn't do anything!  

Eighteen more days of meeting the motley-est crew of people I have ever met in my life.

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