Thursday, November 17, 2016

Day 11: Irkutsk to Tyumen

So, for the first time in 11 days, I kinda messed up the time.  I forgot that every train ticket is given in Moscow time.  So I arrived at the train station thinking my train was coming at 1pm local time, but as it turned out, it was 1pm Moscow time so I had 5 hours to kill.  Normally, I'd take my things and walk around the city in this situation, but it was so so cold and I was sick so....

Trying to think of a quick fix to my stomach bug, I headed over to the pub across the way and bought a shot of vodka.  The college fix I like to call it.  Or these days, the uninsured millennial fix.

That didn't work, and upon research, that was a poor decision.  When I ordered the shot, the bartender asked if I wanted anything with it, and I said no.  She thought that was really strange so I, in attempt to redeem myself, asked for water.  She gave me water and then called to her friends in the bar, laughing, and said something about Americans and how they drink their vodka with water.  Yeah yeah...

On a bright note, I loved the train staff for this train.  My train lady told like half of the train that I'm American.  At one point I went to her to get a cup.  "Prastichiyae," I said through the door, "excuse me."  She couldn't see me, but apparently because of my terrible attempt at Russian she could tell it was me, and she called back "Ah, American boy."  And THIS is going to be the story that I am always going to try and tell, and it's always going to fall flat, because it was a true "ya had ta be there" moment.

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