Monday, November 21, 2016

Day 16: Yekaterinburg and the election

Tonight I took myself to a bar to drink away my sorrows, my election sorrows that it.  It was a slow night and it was just me and the barkeep.  He took pity on me.  Actually, it was a relief to meet him because I was under the impression that all Russians wanted Trump, but my bartender just said "yeah, your country...mistake."  "Cheers to that," I said while downing my third shot of vodka.

I came back to my hostel pretty drunk.  The young Ukrainian guy Dima, who runs the hostel, was their with his two friends, Nera and Alexander.  I came in and the first thing they said to me, excitedly, was "Trump!!"  Well, there's the stereotype.  "NO!  NO TRUMP!" I said.  It quickly got hilarious.  We spent an hour using google translate to get our escalating high-energy opinions across.  IT WAS SO FUNNY.  They also love Lenin, Stalin, and Putin.  I understand Lenin and Putin.  Stalin?  I mentioned that he was like Hitler and Mussolini and they said "Nooo!  They were dictators!"  I was like..."ummmmm..."  And then he said that all Americans are brainwashed.  Maybe he's right.

I talked about the "grab women by the pussy" comment and they told me every man gets drunk and says "yeah tits, pussy" and gestured.  He told me Putin probably does this and the country doesn't care.  In fact, they respect it.  Because it means he's manly.  

I honestly wish I could get across how hilarious this night was.  I was dying.  We were just laughing so hard the entire night. 

 Eventually I made them turn off google translate and swear off politics.  Then we just talked using gestures and my favorite charades-style communication.  Dima is a musician and I got to listen to his music.  We vowed to Skype each other and study English and Russian.

I wish I could describe these guys, they were my instant Russian best friends.  I will miss them forever.

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