Sunday, December 18, 2016

Day 34: Burg Burg Burg

After a long day of contemplating hundreds of pieces of art, I decided I needed some good music and some beer.  I went to a jazz club that promised live jazz every night.  Well, every night except this night I guess.  I sat down and I wasn't really feeling the atmosphere, but I was there and had walked a loooooong time to get there so I was having a drink.  I watched a girl go in and out of the bar again and again to smoke a cigarette.  Eventually she ran out of cigs.  The bars here sell cigarettes so she asked the bartender to sell her a pack.  She asked him for the expiration dates and was unsatistied with the answers and refused to buy a pack at the bar.  This annoyed me.  The expiration date, really?  As if she wasn't going to smoke the entire pack that night anyway.  I watched her smoke 5 cigarettes over the span of an hour.  Stop it with the expiration dates.   

Next I went to a bar near my hostel.  I went to go to the bathroom and a drunk guy stopped me and started speaking Russian to me.  I told him I don't understand and that I speak English.  I said this in Russian.  He didn't understand apparently because he kept talking to me in Russian.  I said it in English.  The point still did not get across.  He asked me to dance with him to this awful house music that was blasting to an almost empty room.  I said ok, but can I please use the bathroom now?  I went to the bathroom and I could feel it in my bones, he was waiting for me outside the door.

Out I went and, as I accurately predicted, there he was.  We "danced."  The only other person in the dance room was his friend who, in between bouts of break-dancing, managed to slap my ass and slap it hard.  I yelled.  Loudly.  The first guy apologized.  After a few minutes I was over the entire encounter so I got ready to leave.  The guy followed me.  Outside.  He had no coat on and none of his things.  It was cold.  He kept talking to me and talking to me and I kept telling him I don't understand and I'm going home now and blah blah blah.  He wouldn't back down.  I wasn't afraid, but it was a little annoying.  Anyway, a girl walking down the street saw us and asked me in English, "Do you need help?"  "Yes," I said.  She sent the guy away and then told me I should learn Russian.  He was asking me where I'm from and telling me I'm beautiful.  Now normally, I'd take that as a compliment but let me tell you, that guy must have been really really really drunk because I have not washed my hair in days, I have no makeup on, and I'm wearing the frumpiest clothes imaginable.  Be serious.

So I got to my hostel and was ready to sleep, the lights were out and it was about 1am.  And that's when I heard a tap on the side of my bed.  I don't know why, but the newest member of the hostel room decided he needed to speak to me, and now.  He sat down on the edge of my bed and just started talking and talking.  And then he told me he couldn't speak English, but then he talked more.  And then he gave me money from Belarus.  Why?  No clue, I don't ask questions anymore.  

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