Monday, December 12, 2016

Day 28: Moscow Part 2

I went to the art museum today, giving myself three hours to do so.  Woah.  Russian people know art.  They know all the art.  I was in there almost 4 hours and I didn't finish.  I was tired but also I can't stand old baizantine chapel religious art which is what the bottom ten rooms were dedicated to, so I finally booked it.  I saw some great art though, a great museum.  Mostly I just spent my time running through the museum, a light jog if you will, to just try and get through it.  Man, all the art.

And thennnn I went to the Soviet Arcade Machine museum.  That was so cool.  I got to play all of the old arcade machines from the Soviet Era.  So fun and at times very hilarious.  One of the games was attacking tanks with other tanks...very stereotypical stuff in there.  The ultimate idea of soviet retro, yeah it's a thing.  Eerie and fun.  There was also a rooster that kids could ride and the translation in English was: "Kiddies Ride Cock."  I've always said English needs to be checked with a native speaker, and I'll say it once again.

Then this evening I met my French girlfriends for delicious Georgian food.  They told me all about their dorm life and their encounters with all of the different types of people who live here.  Including the fact that none of the rooms in the dorm have consistent furniture.  Some of them have a table, some of them have a desk, some of them have chairs.  If you have a table AND chairs you have hit the gold mine.  Anyways, they were so sweet.

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